¿Est谩s atada al pasado?
Lo s茅 porque has ido a lugares sombr铆os, en medio de la nada.
Lo s茅 porque has ido preguntando por ah铆 si seguir谩s viva despu茅s de la muerte.
Has viajado much铆simo;
Has visto l谩grimas amargas derramadas por m铆.
La noche se cerr贸 sobre una escena de soledad mientras yo contemplaba la sangre resbalar entre tus dedos,
un recuerdo,
una vida mejor.
English version:
Are you tied to your past?
I know it because you have walked into some dark places in the middle of nowhere.
I know that because you have asked around if you shall be living after death,
You are well traveled,
You have seen bitter tears shed by me.
The evening fell upon a scene of solitude while I was watching the blood slipping through your fingers, a memory, a better life.